We’ve Come a Long Way (Baby)! Or Have We?: Evolving Intellectual Freedom Issues in the United States and Florida


  • L. Bryan Cooper
  • A.D. Beman-Cavallaro




This paper analyzes a shifting landscape of intellectual freedom (IF) in and outside Florida for children, adolescents, teens, and adults. National ideals stand in tension with local and state developments as new threats are visible in historical, legal, and technological context. Examples include doctrinal shifts, legislative bills, electronic surveillance, and recent attempts to censor books, classroom texts, and reading lists.

Author Biographies

L. Bryan Cooper

L. Bryan Cooper (lbcooper@fiu.edu), Associate Dean, Libraries, Florida International University

A.D. Beman-Cavallaro

A.D. Beman-Cavallaro (bemanca@phsc.edu), Associate Director of Libraries, Pasco-Hernando State College


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