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Author Guidelines

The Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy welcomes submissions related to intellectual freedom and privacy, both in libraries and in the wider world. Submissions can include:

  • research articles (peer reviewed)
  • non-peer reviewed articles and essays discussing or describing policies, practices, projects, law, and scholarship related to intellectual freedom and privacy
  • personal accounts of censorship and intellectual freedom challenges
  • opinion pieces and essays on current and topical issues
  • book and publication reviews

Features: Original research articles submitted for peer review. Submissions should be 4,000-8,000 words (references included), formatted in Chicago Style (author-date), and anonymized for double-blind peer review.

Commentaries: Shorter essays, think pieces, or general commentary on topical issues, controversies and emerging questions for the field. Commentaries are typically 500-1000 words (references included) and formatted in Chicago Style (author-date). Commentaries will be reviewed by the editorial staff.

Book Reviews: Reviews of recent books relevant to the field are welcome. Reviews should be 800-1000 words (references included), and formatted in Chicago Style (author-date), and will be reviewed by the editorial staff.

Queries can be sent to Managing Editor Deborah Caldwell-Stone ( or Editor Shannon Oltmann (

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.