We Can’t All Be Rock Stars: Reaching a Mass Audience with the Message of Library Privacy


  • Jessica Crowe Garner Georgia Southern University




Are library privacy rights under assault again?

Possibly. A new administration in Washington is sending signals that heavy-handed federal guidelines concerning library data may be on the way again. After the 2001 attacks on New York and Washington DC, a group of librarians known as the Connecticut Four stood up to onerous provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act, a brave feat but one of relative anonymity.

In this new era, do libraries need a face or a campaign to elevate the fight for privacy in the eyes of the general public? This paper will argue "yes," and conclude with some thought on how such a campaign might manifest itself.

Author Biography

Jessica Crowe Garner, Georgia Southern University

Interlibrary Loan Librarian at Georgia Soutehrn University.


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