ALA Committee on Professional Ethics


  • Scott P. Muir
  • Sara Dallas



The Committee on Professional Ethics (COPE) is an American Library Association (ALA) Council Committee. COPE’s charge is to augment the ALA Code of Ethics by explanatory interpretations and additional statements, prepared by the committee or elicited from other units of ALA. When units of the Association develop statements dealing with ethical issues, a copy is sent to the Committee on Professional Ethics for review so that it may be compared to the existing ALA Code of Ethics in order to determine whether or not conflicts are present. COPE then offers non-binding opinions on issues before the ALA Council.

Author Biographies

Scott P. Muir

Scott P. Muir (, Associate Provost, Library information Services, Rowan University. Muir has been a librarian since 1978 and was formerly active in the Special Libraries Association and has been active in the American Library Association since 1987. He is currently a member of COPE.

Sara Dallas

Sara Dallas (, Director, Southern Adirondack Library System. Dallas serves as chair of COPE and is an American Library Association councilor at large. She served on the Public Library Association board and has been active in many ALA and PLA committees.


