“Somebody Signed Me Up”: North Carolina Fourth-Graders’ Perceptions of Summer Reading Programs


  • Kim Becnel
  • Robin A. Moeller
  • Nita J. Matzen




The long-term goal of the researchers involved in this study is to discover methods that public libraries can use to improve their summer reading programs (SRP) and expand participation of students from traditionally underrepresented groups. This small pilot study was designed to answer some important preliminary questions: How do children decide whether or not to participate in SRPs? What motivates children to participate and what barriers might inhibit participation? Finally, what factors might motivate those who do not participate to take part?

Author Biographies

Kim Becnel

Kim Becnel is an Associate Professor of Library Science at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. She teaches and researches in the areas of distance education, public libraries, and youth literacy and literature.

Robin A. Moeller

Robin A. Moeller is an Associate Professor of Library Science at Appalachian State University. Her research interests are visual representations of information as they apply to youth and schooling, as well as the reading habits and interests of children and young adults.

Nita J. Matzen

Nita J. Matzen, EdD, was Associate Professor of Library Science at Appalachian State University. She retired in 2016.


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