Outstanding Business Reference Sources 2018


  • BRASS Business Reference Sources Committee




Each year, the Business Reference Sources Committee of BRASS selects the outstanding business reference sources published since May of the previous year. This year, the committee reviewed twenty-one entries; of these, one was designated as “Outstanding,” seven as “Notable,” and two as a “Notable New Edition.” To qualify for the award, the title must meet the conventional definition of reference: a work compiled specifically to supply information on a certain subject or group of subjects in a form that will facilitate its ease of use. The works are examined for the following: authority and reputation of the publisher, author, or editor; accuracy; appropriate bibliography; organization; comprehensiveness; value of the content; currency; distinctive addition; ease of use for the intended purpose; quality and accuracy of index; and quality and usefulness of graphics and illustrations. Additional criteria for electronic reference titles are accuracy of links, search features, stability of content, and graphic design. Works selected must be suitable for medium to large-size academic and public libraries.

Author Biography

BRASS Business Reference Sources Committee

BRASS Business Reference Sources Committee contributing members: Holly Inglis, selections editor; Felipe Anaya, Chair; Adele Barsh, nominations coordinator; Tom Diamond; Wendy Girven; Julia Martin; Lauren Reiter; Genifer Snipes; and Kendra Spahr.

Correspondence concerning this column should be addressed to Holly Inglis, Public Services Librarian, Milt Harris Library, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; email: holly.inglis@rotman.utoronto.ca.






From Committees of RUSA