Readers' Advisory: Do You Remember that Moment You, You Know, Became a Reader?
As editor of this column, I enjoy the rich experiences, anecdotes, and research that professionals share within these columns. They provide a source of affirmation, statistical evidence, data and “feel good” stories that add value to our knowledge about readers’ services. For many of us, it’s refreshing to read thoughts from like-minded professionals, as we find ourselves nodding in agreement or opposition against what other professionals are sharing with us. What we don’t always write about are the moments we share with colleagues over a cup of coffee or tea. Those stolen moments when you just want to share a heart-warming conversation you had with a reader, or the small moments littered throughout a day, week, month, or year that make you fall in love with reading all over again. In particular, those moments readers tell you when they became readers and how powerful those stories are when told.—Editor
Antonia Fraser, The Pleasure of Reading: 43 Writers on the Discovery of Reading and the Books that Inspired Them (London: Bloomsbury, 2015).
J. M. Harms and L. J. Lettow. “Fostering Ownership of the Reading Experience,” The Reading Teacher 40, no. 3 (December 1986): 324.