
Mary Beth Weber

Newness has been a predominant theme in my life and work. My library implemented a new LSP last month (it was just a little over a month today), and LRTS migrated from the Aries Editorial Manager to an OJS platform at about the same time. I am still becoming familiar with both.

My role as LRTS editor can be challenging yet educational, rewarding, and very gratifying. In this role, I work with a variety of people and have the benefit of gaining knowledge and insight from their research papers. Learning about new acquisition methods or developments with Resource Description and Access (RDA) or continuing education are inspiring and help with my professional and personal growth. Papers published in LRTS make their way into the journal in many different ways. I might reach out to someone who has posted an interesting message to a listserv, follow up with a person who has given a presentation, or be contacted by a prospective author to discuss an idea or gauge my interest in a topic. Working with authors on the submission process, revision, and, hopefully, publication of their papers helps forge professional relationships. In a few cases, authors who have published papers in LRTS have later been appointed to the editorial board.

The papers in this issue of LRTS cover very different topics, including cataloging, career competencies, FRBR, and mobile applications: